Sunday, February 8, 2009

Study/Valentines Day

Wow, it's been quite a while since I last went to the trouble of blogging. I guess it's just not exactly my thing, but I really do try. I guess a large part of the reason that I don't write regular blogs is that most of the things I spend my time thinking about isn't really things I want to share with the entire world. But for this week I have some things to get off my chest so here we go...

I've finally gotten round to studying again!
I'm studying Bsc IT at the university of Johannesburg. While I have studied before (I have a B.Com Accounting degree after all) it feels different this time. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I now work, or that I am finally studying exactly what I want to study, but it feels different and I like it!

I have three subject this semester. Computer Science (where we code in C++), Informatics (Where we use Visual Basic 2008) and Mathematics. I would have had Business management as well, but I did that in my Accounting degree so I got the subject off. To be honest I like my computer subjects, to learn a new language is easy (it's not like I haven't done it before) and the idea of the classes are more about problem solving than about coding in any case. Maths so far seem to be a bit of a problem considering that I haven't used those skills in four years. In all honesty I had hoped never to use maths again in my life, yet here I am. At least I have both my aunt and my cousin to lend a helping hand!

Oh, my four years on campus had some other advantages as well, I have the privilege of parking on campus! (It really helps as I have to drive in at 5:00 in the morning (on both Tuesday AND Friday!)) It seems I might lose my job due to my studies though, but I'll take on the boss again this Monday and persuade him of my usefulness. (Not that I really want to stay, but I really need the money.)

Valentines day.
Ugh... After 22 years I'm still single! And I still hate this day as much as I ever did. To be honest I am working on getting a girl, but it's going slow and I'm not entirely certain how to handle things. At least one good thing has come out of my experiences, I have decided that I won't back down so easy this time. Not until I am rejected outright. Should that happen I will pick up the pieces and move on, but until then I will try to win her heart.

Mmmm... Now I feel a little depressed, but as we always say, life has a way of working itself out. So I'll just hang in there. :-D

PS: The picture is one I made the last time my heart was broken. It remains a beautiful picture.